I drove 713 miles in May. For several years I drove that much in a week. I’m still understanding how this change is affecting me and the people around me, even a year and a half later.

This is my first time at the Rodeo and I want to be sure I don’t fall off the bull and have it run through the china shop with me dangling by a bootstrap.

This morning I put a piece of toast in the toaster, and decided to try some mindful breathing exercises while it cooked. I figured instead of looking at my phone, I’d relax the mind a bit. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Counting the breaths in and out, in and out. I guess it worked, because I sat relaxed and calm for some time, and didn’t even notice the burning smell.

Overheard at a conservation discussion: We are not inheriting this planet from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children.